On 3/8/08, Damon L. Chesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 03:08:02PM +0100, Kurt Petersen wrote:
> >
> >> My daughter want to make some backups of her games on copy-protected
> >> DVDs.
> >>
> >> Anybody knows how to do that with Linux?
> >>
> >
> > Seeing as how its called copy-protection, is this something that you
> > want to do?  Even if it is possible, you must ask yourself if it is
> > right.  Check your license agreement.  If it says that you only have the
> > right to the one game on the one media, then it would be illegal for you
> > to make a copy.  Do you want to teach your daughter that it is OK to
> > break the law?  After all, she agreed to the license agreement the first
> > time she played the game.  If she didn't think the license was
> > satisfactory, she should have not played it.  If she is too young to
> > understand this, then the burden falls to you.
> >
> > OTOH, if you believe that the copy protection is to prevent sharing of
> > games and should not apply to backups, then go ahead and make this
> > distinction.
> >
> > I've never even seen a game on DVD (my last computer games came on
> > floppy except for Harpoon that came on a CD).
> >
> > Doug.
> >
> >
> >
> Doug,
> AFAIK (<<--see the disclaimer?) in the USA, you are allowed to make
> personal copies of media you own for your own use (not to install on
> multiple machines).  This has been upheld time and time again in the
> courts.  You can make all the copies of that other OS you want.  This is
> not illegal. You may not install that OS on more then one machine at a
> time.  And if you sell/give it away (also legal despite EULA saying the
> opposite) you may never use the existing copies you made, nor may you
> give those copies to another.  This is called "Fair Use".  Please
> correct me if I am wrong.
> Many licenses you "agree" to tell you you can not do these things
> (notably, Windows used to state you could not sell the copy you had, if
> you dumped your box, you could not include the OS) however, the courts
> have ruled this is right and fair for a user to do.  Now, if you want to
> crack that copy protection, that is a different matter and that is
> illegal.
> How would one make a bit copy of a CD using dd?  dd if=/dev/whatever
> of=/file/name.iso  ?
> I never tried to dd a CD.
> --
> Damon L. Chesser
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
  Have a look here:
  'Simple CD-ROM & ISO image cookbook.' -->
  It _is_ as simple as `dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/mycd.iso` but there are some
other neat cd tricks listed in the article.


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