On Tuesday 04 March 2008 09:08:13 am Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:48:18PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > It's very disturbing that you know so much lolcode.
> He probably wrote the debian-installer.
> It lol when it sees my old boxes.
>       "Whahaha! you're still using a box that has no fan, uses 20
>       watts, with 32MB ram, at a frequency in the FM band?
>       Here's a quarter, kid, go buy yourself a real computer!"

Heh, my favorite machine to this day is an old P100 SMP system, if only 
because of the huge amounts of RF interference that thing blew out with the 
case open at pretty much dead on 100.2MHz.  I used to run that with the case 
open and aim the open side towards my neighbor's stereo, which was always 
tuned to a particularly obnoxious top-40 station at 100.3MHz FM and turned up 
to absurd volumes 20+ hours a day...it would make that station unlistenable 
for them.

Station in question:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KKRZ

If I hadn't moved to Salem, where that station isn't such a major problem, I'd 
probably still be filing FCC complaints about it's signal splattering all 
over the band... you can hear that station on nearly all vacant frequencies 
from 90-105MHz anywhere in a 30 mile or so radius around their transmitter...

Paul Johnson

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