Bernd Kloss wrote:

What says

dpkg -l | grep nvidia
lsmod | grep nvidia

What ist the brand/model of your Monitor?
    HorizSync    28-51
    VertRefresh    43-60
fits your monitor?

Greetings Bernd

I think I have resolved my problem. At the time of the installation when prompted for the maximal resolution I pressed enter at the resolution of 1920x1200. However this didn't result in a good resolution. So I did a complete reinstall and now I took care of tagging correctly the option of 1920x1200. And then enter. When I rebooted I found myself in the 1920x1200 resolution. The driver works so well that I don't really need the nvidia driver as in fedora. However I shll intall the nvidia driver also. Thanks to you all I do know now how to install this driver. I wonder why the nv driver of fedora is so bad. I learned the linux world through fedora and I am grateful to all who made fedora. But I think that Debian might be a better try now since the standard graphics driver is already so good.


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