On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 05:11:26PM +0200, Wolfgang Fischer wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Aug 2003 13:30:06 +0200, Anita Lewis wrote:
> > This may be a dumb question on the wrong list, but here goes.
> > 
> > I'm learning to set up a server via remote.  We've got a mail server going
> > and mailman as well.  We have apache going and have put some pages in
> > /var/www.  There's a firewall on it and it is set so that we can send and
> > receive mail, access the mail list, bring up pages in a browser, ssh in as
> > users, and ftp in as users.  We set it up so that root cannot ftp or ssh in.
> > 
> > A user can ftp in and work on pages in their own public_html, but those
> > pages would appear in /~username. I want to be able to work on pages in
> > /var/www, because those pages come up when the domain name is accessed via
> > browser.  /var/www is root.root 
> > 
> > Is there a way other than dropping the pages off as user via ftp, ssh and su
> > to root and move them, to do this?  I'm thinking maybe there is a way using
> > groups.  Or is there something wrong with my thinking about not allowing
> > root ftp?
> You can change the option DocumentRoot (and maybe some others if you need
> cgi) in your /etc/apache/htpd.conf from /var/www to /home/username/public_html.

What I've done personally is to create a webauthors group, chgrp'ed
/var/www from root.root to root.webauthors, and added my regular user
account to that group. It seems to work okay for me.

Mind you, I'm a complete newbie at the webserver thing, so before you
do what I did, you might want to wait and see whether some more
experienced folks point out some glaring problem with it...  ;-)

>   -ScruLoose-   |     Why can't we ever attempt to solve a problem      <
>  Please do not  |     in this country without having a 'War' on it?     <
> reply off-list. |           - Rich Thomson, talk.politics.misc          <

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