Apparently I had some mail in the queue on my laptop...

On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 09:44:15AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Sun, April 6, 2008 11:09 am, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> >> auto eth1
> >> iface eth1 inet static
> >>         address
> >>         netmask
> >>         gateway
> >>
> >> auto eth1:1
> >> iface eth1:1 inet static
> >>         address
> >>         netmask
> > why are you running multiple interfaces on eth1 like this? Is this
> > something you need?
>     Yes.  But actually I pasted the interfaces file from when Dom0 was
> running as the gateway.  Normally the eth1:1 and eth0 auto lines are
> commented out.  To explain eth1:0 and eth1:1, there was a time where I
> was bouncing between this machine being the router and a wireless router
> being the router.  Stupid building practices in the house I am renting. 
> Every time I swapped between those two IPs I'd have to reconfigure all
> my machines to look for the Squid proxy in a new location.  Normally
> after my wife got frustrated that the proxy disappeared.  So in the name
> of marital bliss I decided to just leave the machine on .21 permanently
> and alias .1 to it whenever it is acting as the router.
> > xenbr interface automatically. and breakdown that eth1 setup to just a
> > basic one (simplify, right?) and see what happens.
>     I have done that.  I get anything from the bridge getting the IP to
> nothing having the IP to no bridge/vif/veths at all.  At this point I'm
> going to uninstall all the packages and start over.  However since I
> know how to get it working thanks to my test on my laptop I'll just
> duplicate that setup.  Really though, testing is a tad flubbed.

well, that's just plain frustrating. It's got me worried because my
xen setup is working great in etch... might have to leave it there for
a while.


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