I've been using Linux since about the tail end of 1996, starting with Debian (maybe it was "rex" at that time?) I've dabbled with many other distributions since then, most notably Suze, Red Hat, and Knoppix, but have always returned to Debian for its stability and ease of maintenance.

Here at work we have one single Linux installation in a sea of Windoze: a PC running Debian "woody", and housing our Oracle database for testing purposes. Prior to our migration to Linux it had existed in various Windoze incarnations: NT4, Win2K and WinXP, but these were plagued by instabilities and downtime, so on a whim my boss decided to allow me to make a Linux box instead. Since it was started in January 2005 it has been running continuously with *no* downtime or problems of any kind. Talk about value for money!

At home my latest installation is also "woody", but the box on which it is sitting is currently suffering from a faulty disk, and I haven't found/made the time to replace it. Instead, my wife bought a Mac (iMac G5), running OSX "tiger" (which seems to be just another Linux flavour), with which we have never had any problems whatsoever. It has plenty of capacity for both of us, and I feel right at home with it (even managed to get the GIMP running on it!).

If I had any comments or suggestions on how to improve Linux/Debian, it would be the sound. Despite running Debian exclusively at home for over 10 years, I never managed to get the sound working properly, except on those occasions when I booted from a Knoppix live CD (regulars on debian-user might remember my eternal frustrated threads about it). So whatever it is that Knoppix does when it is detecting/configuring the sound card (with no input from me!), I think that Debian should be doing the same thing.

Other than that (minor) point, I would like to say: "keep up the great work!" When I buy my next PC it will be running Debian for sure.

Peter Hugosson-Miller

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