Hello Douglas,

Am 2008-05-03 21:32:48, schrieb Douglas A. Tutty:
> What software do these workstations use?  The reason I ask is that there
> is a market segment (including reportedly Yahoo! internally) that runs
> OpenBSD on workstations for the combined security and 6-month release
> cycle.  There aren't many security patches that come out in those 6
> months for the base system (which itself is fairly complete) and many
> security bugs in third-party apps (packages) which affect other distros
> don't affect OBSD due to the changes to gcc which they made.  If all you
> need is a simple UNIX with X (OBSD comes with a simple wm) and you just
> want to add a fancy wm and Firefox, then OBSD may be great for you.
> If, however, these workstations are e.g. graphic-design workstations
> that require a lot of third-party apps or non-free graphics drivers,
> then OBSD either may not work at all, or be less easy to maintain than a
> debian box, since fixes are source patches.  You'd have to patch on one
> box (or a dedicated build machine), make a new package, and then install
> it on all the boxes.  I've never needed to do it, but it is all almost
> automated.  Installing the packages is very much like apt-get.
------------------------ END OF REPLIED MESSAGE ------------------------

I am using NetBSD since ages (longer then Debian) and I can confirm,  if
someone need only a BASIC Workstation, she/he  could  go  with  ANY  BSD
derivates but there is only a problem with hardware support  which  work
heavyly better in Linux as on any BSD derivates...

And of course, you can get a nice X workstation (including  Mozilla)  on
NetBSD for less then  256 MByte  CF-Card...  which  is  definitivly  not
possibel in Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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