Rico Secada wrote:
> Hi.
> I have setup Debian Etch with Postfix, Amavis and Spamassasin. My
> problem is that a LOT of SPAM mail gets trough the system.
> I have taken a look at the headers of the SPAM mail, and they score
> between 0.232 to 2.354 and I have set the sa_tag2_level_deflt and 7.5.
> I have followed this guide in setting things up:
> http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/
> The SPAM mail just doesn't get the high score it should get.

Read up on SA configuration and apply some custom rules in order to pump
up the scores. There are plenty of third-party rules available on
SARE[1], which can be updated automatically using a tool from their site.

[1] http://www.rulesemporium.com/

|_|O|_|  Kim Christensen
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