On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 08:24:24PM -0700, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 09:31:15PM -0400, "Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> > On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:03:59PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> > > On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 02:40:45AM -0400, Kevin Mark wrote:
> > > > If you want less stuff installed, then you can tell aptitude not to
> > > > install 'recommends',
> > > 
> > > If a package is listed as a recommends and you consider it should only
> > > be a suggests it is considered a bug. 
> > 
> > Yes but just because its recommended, things still work just fine.  I
> > have all kinds of packages that don't have all the cruft that they
> > recommend.  
> > 
> > If you have a simple one-liner that will provide you with a list of the
> > packages which are recommended by installed packages but which aren't
> > themselves insalled, let me know.  I'll run it and send you the results.  
>     aptitude search '~Rrecommends:~i!~i'
>   or to ignore recommendations that are satisfied (e.g., ORs)
>     aptitude search '~RBrecommends:~i'

I've attached the output of this command; its fairly long.

As examples, something depended on myspell (I use aspell) and myspell
recommends the dictionaries for every language on the planet.  I don't
use a DTE but icewm, however something thinks I need hal and pmount.  


p   akregator                       - RSS feed aggregator for KDE               
p   belocs-locales-data             - base files for localization               
p   buffer                          - Buffering/reblocking program for tape back
p   ca-certificates                 - Common CA Certificates PEM files          
p   dvipdfmx                        - A DVI to PDF translator with CJK support  
p   esound-clients                  - Enlightened Sound Daemon - clients        
p   feynmf                          - set of LaTeX macros for creating Feynman d
p   gdb                             - The GNU Debugger                          
p   hal                             - Hardware Abstraction Layer                
p   hfsutils                        - Tools for reading and writing Macintosh vo
p   jackd                           - JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and exam
p   kamera                          - digital camera io_slave for Konqueror     
p   kdemultimedia-kio-plugins       - enables the browsing of audio CDs under Ko
p   kdeprint                        - print system for KDE                      
p   kmail                           - KDE Email client                          
p   kooka                           - scanner program for KDE                   
p   laptop-detect                   - attempt to detect a laptop                
p   latex-beamer                    - LaTeX class to produce presentations      
p   latex-xcolor                    - Easy driver-independent TeX class for colo
p   libarts1-akode                  - akode plugin for aRts                     
p   libatk1.0-data                  - Common files for the ATK accessibility too
p   libglib2.0-data                 - Common files for GLib library             
p   libhtml-format-perl             - Format HTML syntax trees                  
p   libmail-sendmail-perl           - Send email from a perl script             
p   libmailtools-perl               - Manipulate email in perl programs         
p   libmudflap0-dev                 - GCC mudflap support libraries (development
p   libparse-debianchangelog-perl   - parse Debian changelogs and output them in
p   libtasn1-3-bin                  - Manage ASN.1 structures (binaries)        
p   locales                         - GNU C Library: National Language (locale) 
p   locales-all                     - GNU C Library: Precompiled locale data    
p   myspell-bg                      - The Bulgarian dictionary for myspell      
p   myspell-ca                      - Catalan dictionary for myspell            
p   myspell-cs-cz                   - Czech dictionary for myspell              
p   myspell-da                      - The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO)
p   myspell-de-at                   - Austrian (German) dictionary for myspell  
p   myspell-de-ch                   - Swiss (German) dictionary for myspell     
p   myspell-de-de                   - German dictionary for myspell             
p   myspell-de-de-oldspell          - German dictionary for myspell (old orthogr
v   myspell-dictionary              -                                           
p   myspell-en-au                   - English_australian dictionary for myspell 
p   myspell-en-gb                   - English_british dictionary for myspell    
p   myspell-en-us                   - English_american dictionary for myspell   
p   myspell-eo                      - Esperanto dictionary for myspell          
p   myspell-es                      - Spanish dictionary for myspell            
p   myspell-et                      - Estonian dictionary for MySpell           
p   myspell-fi                      - The Finnish dictionary for myspell        
p   myspell-fo                      - The Faroese dictionary for myspell        
p   myspell-fr                      - The French dictionary for myspell (Hydro-Q
p   myspell-fr-gut                  - The French dictionary for myspell (GUTenbe
p   myspell-ga                      - An Irish (Gaeilge) dictionary for OpenOffi
p   myspell-gd                      - Scots Gaelic dictionary for myspell       
p   myspell-gl-es                   - Galician dictionary for myspell           
p   myspell-gv                      - Manx Gaelic dictionary for myspell        
p   myspell-he                      - Hebrew dictionary for myspell             
p   myspell-hr                      - Croatian dictionary for myspell           
p   myspell-hu                      - The Hungarian dictionary for myspell      
p   myspell-it                      - Italian dictionary for myspell            
p   myspell-ku                      - Kurdish (Kurmanji) dictionary for myspell 
p   myspell-lt                      - myspell dictionary for Lithuanian (LT)    
p   myspell-lv                      - Latvian MySpell dictionary                
p   myspell-nl                      - Dutch dictionary for myspell              
p   myspell-nn                      - Norwegian nynorsk dictionary for myspell  
p   myspell-pl                      - The Polish dictionary for myspell         
p   myspell-pt-br                   - Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for myspel
p   myspell-pt-pt                   - European Portuguese dictionary for myspell
p   myspell-ru                      - Russian dictionary for MySpell            
p   myspell-sk                      - The Slovak dictionary for myspell         
p   myspell-sv-se                   - Swedish (SE) dictionary for myspell       
p   myspell-sw                      - Swahili dictionary for myspell            
p   myspell-th                      - Thai dictionary for myspell               
p   myspell-uk                      - Ukrainian dictionary for myspell          
p   ncompress                       - Original Lempel-Ziv compress/uncompress pr
p   notification-daemon             - a daemon that displays passive pop-up noti
p   nvidia-kernel-source            - NVIDIA binary kernel module source        
p   p7zip-full                      - 7z and 7za file archivers with high compre
p   perl-doc                        - Perl documentation                        
p   perl-suid                       - Runs setuid Perl scripts                  
p   pgf                             - TeX Portable Graphic Format               
p   pmount                          - mount removable devices as normal user    
p   prosper                         - LaTeX class for writing transparencies    
p   sane-utils                      - API library for scanners -- utilities     
p   syslinux                        - Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flo
p   tetex-base                      - Basic TeX input files of teTeX            
p   tetex-bin                       - The teTeX programs                        
p   texpower                        - Macros for creating professional presentat
p   tipa                            - System for processing phonetic symbols in 
p   toilet                          - display large colourful characters in text
p   vcdimager                       - A VideoCD (VCD) image mastering and rippin
p   xml-core                        - XML infrastructure and XML catalog file su
p   xresprobe                       - X Resolution Probe                        
p   zip                             - Archiver for .zip files                   
p   zoo                             - manipulate zoo archives                   

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