2008/5/15 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Power to the users. If they break the laws, that's their problem. We
> don't need paternalistic corporations doing the job of law-enforcement
> agencies.

Engineering does not work that way. Neither does medicine, nor
driver's licenses for that matter. _First_ you learn the trade, then
you are permitted to practice it in a public setting. The government
won't wait until you kill someone to prevent you from doing something

For instance, most BMWs are computer-limited to 250 kph. The
drivetrain could probably get them close to 300 kph, but the computer
limits them. That's great, the engineers can then design a braking
system that is good for 250 kph, and tires that are designed for 250
kph. If you reprogram the computer to allow 300 kph, and don't upgrade
the tires and braking systems, you are endangering everyone else on
the road. Also, you forget about pollution controls, which are also
regulated by the government.

> Sure, but it's *my* responsibility not to harm others. If by
> negligence or stupidity I harm others, then by all means, put me on
> trial and remove me from society until I reform. Don't take away
> freedom from me just because I might misuse it; I will also mostly use
> it properly.

If it is the case that most people use power responsibly in your land,
then I want to move there. Most places in the world are not blessed
with such responsible citizens.

> Right, I don't have any details about this. But if I am interacting
> with the software, I do believe we have a fundamental right to know
> how it's working or to hire anyone knowledgeable enough to do modify
> it for us, regardless of their affiliations.

No, you don't.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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