Glenn Becker wrote:

Hi all -

I am running a testing box. Recently, it seems, my X settings changed (w/o my intentionally changing them, at least as far as I can recall) so that the screen resolution on Gnome, for example, it was defaulting to 1400x1050. It is nice to see that my older laptop can handle this, but ... I also have older eyes and prefer a setting of 1024x768.

AFAIK dpkg saves a backup of the xorg.conf file suffixed with the date/time of modification. Just try replacing the exisiting xorg.conf with the backup.

So I went looking into the xorg.conf file, and found that ... no default screen res appeared to be set! In fact the file contains almost _no_ details and consists mainly of a lot of sections that look like this:

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"

... making it look like a lot of the X configuration is handled automatically.

Well, great ... cough ... I would rather it _wasn't_ handled automatically, because I want to choose my own settings. I've handrolled my own .conf files for X for ages ... is there any way for me to do this and not have my settings overwritten by an automated thingum that has no idea what my specific needs are?

If this is an attempt at an improvement I cannot say I care much for it. Certainly I can change the settings via the Gnome GUI, but this doesn't help me if (as often happens on my old machine) I'd rather just run Fluxbox.

Sorry if this is an ignorant question and has been asked before. If I need to RTFM, just let me know where to find the relevant M and I will RTF thing.



Glenn Becker - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SDF Public Access UNIX System -


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