It's a general web server with LAMP - apache, php, mysql, many virtual web sites, running postfix and so on ... nothing exotic, no desktop environment or desktop apps. Since it's Colo, access via SSH only. It will have 4 GB memory, but there's room to go to 8 GB. I feel no real reason to go to 64 bit, but if there's no danger with doing so, then I wouldn't mind it. I guess I'm looking for problem areas.

At 02:49 PM 6/6/2008, you wrote:
32 vs 64 bit is a question that you really should answer. If you are using applications that are only 32 bit then be prepared for the changes if you go 64bit. If this is a general purpose type of server (MySQL, Apache, ect ) then I suggest you go 64bit. In my world (eg everything that I do) the 64bit MySQL works SOOOOOO much better then the 32bit version doing the same tasks. Some tasks you may not notice the difference in the slightest. I also have need of upwards of 8GB of memory so that obviously influenced my decision to go 64bit as well.

In my experience, the installer gives you defaults for partitions and I always took the defaults with no problems ever. These days, with cheaper and larger drives, things may not be as tight as they were say 5-6 years ago.

As for the partitioning, I don't know what you are doing so I can't give you anything more then a few suggestions. I personally always set aside 10GB for /. I also set my swap space to be 2x the amount of memory or 5GB, whichever is the smallest. If the box is going to be using a lot of temporary files I will set a large /tmp partition if need be. If it is a web server, I usually give /var/www its own partition. I have a few applications that use /opt extensively so on those systems I give a 10GB /opt. The rest of the space always goes to /home. It really depends on what you are doing with the system.


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