On Sun, Jun 08, 2008 at 02:17:47 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:


> Sorry to jump in mid thread, but since this issue has popped up I
> thought I'd mention a problem I've been having.
> $ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 330C4A75
> gpg: requesting key 330C4A75 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
> gpgkeys: key 330C4A75 not found on keyserver
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 3A skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 5F skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 2D skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 3A skipped
> gpg: invalid radix64 character 3B skipped
> gpg: malformed CRC
> gpg: read_block: read error: invalid keyring
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> $
> The weird thing is, it works for other people. Googling on the radix64
> messages seems to indicate something to do with the headers returned
> from the server. Why should I be the only one to get this.
> Stock gpg from etch.
> Any hints.
> P.S. Also happens to keys: C02440B8 73CDA455

How does your DNS server resolve subkeys.pgp.net? I see five different
IP addresses, with preference given to either or Try if you still have this problem when you specify one
of these IPs as the keyserver.

I am not sure if "read_block: read error: invalid keyring" indicates a
separate problem with your own public keyring, or a consequence of
corrupted data sent by the keyserver, or a bug in Etch's version of gpg.
You could test if you still get this message when you try to download
the key to a newly-created test keyring:

gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./test.gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 
--recv-keys 330C4A75

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