On Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 12:22:56AM -0700, Brian Wells wrote:

Welcome Brian.

> Installed the moon-lander 1:1.0-3 package (and its dependency package,
> moon-lander-data, same version) using aptitude, on debian etch. Every
> time the game ship lands, I hear "Tranquility base here, the eagle..."
> and then the program stops dead in its tracks. gdb shows the following
> error message:
> Couldn't load /usr/share/games/moon-lander/images/backgrounds/..:
> Unsupported image format
> [Thread -1218417744 (zombie) exited]

Have you looked in that directory just to check out what's there?
Assuming that all looks good, I would first try a re-install of

aptitude reinstall moon-lander

> (I'm not familiar with using gdb, but was able to get that much.) Does
> anyone know if there's a workaround, or if and how a bug report should
> be filed? This is my first debian-user post.

If the problem persists, the yes, you should file a bug report using
the `reportbug` tool. 


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