On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 05:16:47PM -0500, Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> A,
> On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
>> if you decide to investigate other minimalist WM's you might look at
>> xmonad. It's all keyboard controlled, tiled with a variety of
>> customizable tiling layouts. pretty fun(unctional).
> Actually, I was using xmonad before switching to DWM.  I'll take  
> configuring DWM via editing a C header file(config.h) and recompiling DWM 
> over Haskell any day.  :-)  Actually I've tried xmonad, ion3, ratpoison,  
> awesome, evilwm, stumpwm, and probably a few others I'm forgetting.  I  
> ended up trying DWM a couple of times before I got hooked.
> Oh, did I mention I use the vimperator Firefox plugin to give my browser 
> a vim look/feel.

I started with wmii, played with some others, and then stumbled on
xmonad and got hooked. to each their own. Just like
vimperator... tried it but I'm apparently not a vim guy... emacs seems
to suit me better, thus vimperator was a bad fit. I find I use a text
browser more and more.


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