Karl O. Pinc wrote:

On 07/06/2008 07:27:05 AM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Karl O. Pinc wrote:

What's the right way to run more than one X server?

There don't seem to be any hooks in the /etc/init.d/*dm
scripts.  (I thought maybe there'd be something in
/etc/default/, at least for gdm which IIRC has some
hooks for different configuration settings for different

I run 2 xservers for two displays/keyboards/mice:


Thanks.  That's what I was looking for.  I couldn't
figure out how to start 2 servers automatically.
(It's that grody .ini config file format.  Is .ini
even documented anywhere?)

Why step 2, make softlinks to the X command?


What if I didn't want to use a *dm?  On one DISPLAY
I want to go straight to the *dm of a remote box,
and on the other, the one used for a copy machine,
I don't want to authenticate at all.  A *dm seems
a bit overkill, I _could_ just run X and startX
directly.  Are there any out-of-the-box solutions
or should I just use inittab?

How would you use startx on monitors other than the first one that has the console output?


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