On 07/07/2008 04:12 AM, Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 07 Jul 2008, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
[ good advice snipped ]

It didn't work here. I did the same thing and the appropriate stuff in
/usr/local but I still can't print. Did you do something to make FF see
the gtk-2.10 stuff?


I did. I installed gtk+2.10 to a non-standard location to prevent it from conflicting with gtk+2.8. I suggest you place something like gtk+2.10 in a new directory, e.g. /usr/local/exotic; when you install, you'll get a /usr/local/exotic/lib directory containing the library binaries.

I also created a startup script for firefox that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 'lib' directory where gtk+2.10's binaries are installed, e.g.:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/exotic/lib
exec /usr/local/firefox-3.0/firefox

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