On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 01:18:22AM -0700, David Barrett wrote:
> Andrei Popescu wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 11:34:52PM -0700, David Barrett wrote:
>>> Carl Fink wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 09:00:38PM -0700, David Barrett wrote:
>>>>> David Barrett wrote:
>>>>>> What's the best way to create a raw disk image using 
>>>>>> debootstrap that can be booted with qemu?
>>>>> Following up on my previous post: I've figured out some of the 
>>>>> steps, but I'm stuck on installing Grub.  Do you know how to 
>>>>> install grub on a raw device file?
>>>> Forgive a silly question, but why do you want to install grub on 
>>>> the image? Are you planning to dd it onto a physical disk?
>>> No, I'm just going to use it as a QEMU image.  It'll stay virtual, 
>>> but it'll need to boot all the same.  Unless there's some way to get 
>>> it to boot without grub?
>> If I recall correctly, qemu can boot a linux kernel directly so you  
>> *probably* don't need grub.
> Aha!  I completely forgot about those options.  This works great:
> sudo qemu -kernel-kqemu -kernel newtest.mount/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-6-486  
> -append "root=/dev/hda1 ro" -initrd  
> newtest.mount/boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-6-486 newtest.raw
> It makes the command line a bit awkward, but does the trick.  This is  
> great workaround, thanks!
> That said, if possible, I'd still like to get grub installed to make it  
> self-contained and boot up like normal (else I need to update all the  
> startup scripts to be aware of the exact kernel version).

can you not use the grub floppy disk image and just cat it into the
boot sector? 

Another idea: write a script to install grub from a chroot,
copy that script into the image, and then chroot in and run that
script from your other script. 

or: make a barebones image with grub installed by some other
non-automated method and then use that bare image as the starting
point for your script, eliminating the dd step.

just .02


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