Ron Johnson wrote:

> On 07/09/08 10:33, Barclay, Daniel wrote:
> [snip]
>> Now if I can figure out how to get the mail server configuration fixed ..
> Replacing Lookout with Postfix would do the trick.  

Did you mean Exchange?  (I thought "Lookout" referred to Outlook, which I'm
not using.)

> Might be a bit of an upheaval, though...

Yeah.  The best I can probably hope for is that the plain-text-to-HTML
convers^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcorruption is configurable in Exchange and somehow I and
others here can convince some powers that be to change it.

> [snip]
>> I wonder how long it has looked that I had my MUA set to do that (how
>> long the mail server has been configured that way).)
> ????
> The Debian list manager sends *all* posts to *all* subscribers.

Hmm.  Yeah, I thought it would be doing that, especially if there's no option
to select whether to do that or not.


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