I have this script (stripped down to basics):

sourceDir='/home/'                # Directory you're backing up
targetDir='/TERASTATIONBACKUP/GOSHEN/'$(date +%Y) # Destination directory for the tarball targFileBase='GoshensHome' # Desired base part of the tarball's filename

targetFile="$targetDir/`date +%Y-%b-%e`.tgz"
echo "Tarring up source into target"
echo "     $targetFile"
tar -czvf - --one-file-system $sourceDir | split -b 2000m $targetFile

The script fails with this output:

Tarring up source into target

split: cannot open `/TERASTATIONBACKUP/GOSHEN/2008/2008-Jul-10.tgz' for reading: No such file or directory
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names

But, if I comment out the tar line above and replace it with this line:

tar -cvzf - --one-file-system /home | split -b 2000m - /TERASTATIONBACKUP/GOSHEN/2008/2008-Jul-10.tgz

the script works.

Am I just not seeing a typo somewhere? Why is my script failing?


Kent West     <*)))><

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