On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 19:04:45 +0200
Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 20:30:05 -0400, Celejar wrote:


> > $ pdffonts PDF/A_simple_test_page_for_common_fonts.pdf 
> > name                                 type              emb sub uni object ID
> > ------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
> > XXCIFJ+f-1-0                         TrueType          yes yes yes     10  0
> > QEHNHK+f-8-0                         TrueType          yes yes yes     40  0
> > UFQSLH+f-3-0                         Type 1C           yes yes no      14  0
> [...]
> > [none]                               Type 3            yes no  yes     22  0
> > [none]                               Type 3            yes no  yes     39  0
> > [none]                               Type 3            yes no  yes     31  0
> >
> > Most of the fonts look quite good.
> Maybe we have to be satisfied with that, then. (A font by any other
> name...) At least your system is smart enough to only embed the
> necessary subsets; I now realized that mine bloats the PDFs with the
> complete fonts.

Can you elaborate on this?  What part of the pdffonts output refers to that?

> > The exceptions are Courier,
> > Helvetica and Times, which are once again blocky and pixellated.
> What are your fontconfig settings? Here are mine:
> # debconf-get-selections | grep fontconfig | column -t
> fontconfig-config  fontconfig/subpixel_rendering  select   Automatic
> fontconfig-config  fontconfig/enable_bitmaps      boolean  false
> fontconfig-config  fontconfig/hinting_type        select   Native

Mine are the same, except for enable_bitmaps, which is set to true.
Setting it to false (and restarting X) makes all the fonts on your page
look beautiful:


[With enable_bitmaps set to true:

> Disabling the bitmap fonts makes quite a difference for me. (Whether
> that is an improvement is a matter of taste, of course; some people seem
> to dislike the "fuzzier" look of antialiased and hinted fonts.) This
> affects primarily the on-screen rendering; I am not sure if it also
> influences the PDF printer.

>           Florian   |

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