On Wednesday 23 July 2008 16:49, elijah r. wrote:
> > I don't know if the netinstall cd would do. Does it use the same
> > installer, as on the 1st i386 cd for Etch?
> I am pretty sure it is exactly the same, but it grabs installation
> packages from the internet instead of from the local CD/DVDs.
> Also, I wasn't sure whether you had tried passing the "acpi=off"
> parameter to installation bootloaders, or just to the bootloaders on
> your hard disk after installation.

> I've had some issues with certain motherboards not even booting off of
> installation CD/DVDs unless I pass something like "acpi=off noapic" to
> the boot options.
> So, if the boot prompt for some installation CD is is "boot: "  you
> usually just type "linux acpi=off noapic" or "vmlinuz acpi=off noapic"
> or something along those lines.

Well I've got Fedora 8  booted up on this new machine at the moment, and am 
downloading the debian-4.0r3-i386-netinst.iso. As I previously said, to boot 
post-install Fedora 8, I had to stop some services from being started, and 
looking in /boot/grub/grub.conf, it seems like I'd had to add both noapic, 
and nolapic to the kernel line.

can't say that I'm too clued up on acpi, even though reading the man pages.
> As for the other issues you have had, such as with KDM working/not
> working and the runlevels failing, they seem erratic, which many times
> can be hardware-related.  What kind of processor do you have?  Have
> you run memtest on your memory?  Have you tested your hard disk to
> make sure it doesn't have bad blocks or other errors?

Processor is AMD Athlon 64 3800+, which is one of the 3 suggested for the Asus 
M2N-X Plus mobo. I havn't run memtest on the memory yet. The memory comprise 
of 2x1GB of Crucial Ballistix, which Crucial say is fine for this mobo.

> Cheers,
> Elijah
> --
> http://elijahr.blogspot.com/

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