On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 07:23:46PM +0200, Dvorzhetsky wrote:
> Hello,
> First I'll explain the situation: I have an archive folder with images,  
> text and other type of files. I used to backup this folder from time to  
> time but at some point I stop doing that and got confuse (or messy:) and  
> start to edit files in the backup and/or to add files to the 'current'  
> folder.
> I'd like to rationalized that by synchronizing the backup and current in  
> both way:
> - keeping only the version of the files which have been the most  
> recently changed.
> - if a file or a subfolder is present in one folder and not the other  
> I'd like to always keep it.
> I look into mann rsync but I'm always asked to choose one source and one  
> destination, which is obviously not what I want to do. Is there a way to  
> do that with rsync? How?
> Maybe with another software?

you could get unison to do it I think. That seems to fit the model of
what it does. I use it, but it's been so long since I started using
it, that I don't know how it reacts the first time you use
it. Certainly worth a shot though.


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