
I am having some problems with my new mini mac connecting to my debian
amd64 nfs server. I have other linux clients that are working well with
nfs.  I have raised this on the apple forums, but the suggestion (see
the tcpdump) is that the server is not responding.

on the nas box 


done on the nas box
tcpdump -pni eth0 ether host 00:16:cb:b0:87:15 -s 9100 -w
nas.capture.dmp (available via

I did this on the mac client 
mount -t nfs -o rw,async,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
nas.hme1.samad.com.au:/exports/shared /mounts/shared

and then tried 

df -h & (did not return)
ps -ef
dmesg | tail (lots of server not responding)
tcpdump -pni en0 not port 22 (did not see anything - could have let it
run longer!!)
mount & (finished showed the nfs mount)
ls -l /mounts/shared/ & ( did not come back)
umount -f /mounts/shared/ & (did not come back)

These are the last 3 lines from the dump from nas

 45  33.230489 -> TCP exp1 > filenet-powsrm
[ACK] Seq=166 Ack=82 Win=524280 Len=0 TSV=1053569705 TSER=9151036
 46  49.409514 -> NFS V3 FSSTAT Call,
 47  49.409665 -> NFS V3 FSSTAT Reply (Call
In 46)
 48  49.409811 -> TCP 52730 > nfs [ACK]
Seq=1021 Ack=589 Win=524280 Len=0 TSV=1053569866 TSER=9155080

the response i got back from the mac mailing list

Packet #41 is an ACCESS call by UID 502 that does not get a response.
Packet #42 is an FSSTAT call by UID 502 that does not get a response.

>From the looks of it, it would seem the server is choking/stalling
on requests that are being performed by the non-root credential:

UID 502
GID 20:98:102:101

Something definitely seems wrong on the server.

my nas box talks to a ldap server, I don't have uid 502, but that
shouldn't stall nfs I would have thought.

Any help on how to track this down or ideas on the problem ?


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