* Daniel Campbell-Macdonald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [28.07.08 21:49]:
> HI list
>  I am new to Debian and I am having trouble with crontab- I can't for the 
> life of me seem to figure out how to get it to send me an email.
> I did the crontab - e thing and
> set up something like the following
> */8 * * * * wget http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp
> from this all I get is a series of files in my home folder.
> Where to I set up the emailing part for cron?

The setup seems perfectly OK. If your MTA is set up correctly, you 
should get an email if the command spits out any error messages.

<crystal ball>
But if I look at the cron job if get the impression, that you want get 
the the results of the command send via email.

To accomplish that you should pipe the outcomst to mailx or something 
</cryatal ball>


 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx


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