abdelkader belahcene:
> I have a serveur running an application, to be simpler gnome-terminal, I
> want to run on my serveur gnome-terminal and receive on a remote machine the
> display,  in other word I want to redirect the omage to remote machine.

You realize that this is a ridiculous exercise? Just open a terminal
locally and ssh to the machine.

>  On remote machine I disabled controle with *  xhost +,  on *serveur I
> tried   *gnome-terminal  --display=**192.168.10**.10:0.0* ,  but it failed
> with unknown display ( which is my remote machine ),  I
> tried  *export DISPLAY=192.168.10**.10:0.0   *then gnome-terminal, same
> problem.

Try 'ssh -Y remote gnome-terminal'. You'll need openssh-server on the
remote side.

No-one appears to be able to help me.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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