
I've got Debian Lenny since last year and during the "getting used to
Linux"process I kept the old WinXP partition (well, it stills there). So,
now I've got my disk with two OS (Windows XP Professional, Linux Debian

When I did it, I included a line in fstab file with the following, in order
to always mount the WinXP partition.
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>  <mount point>         <type>
<options>                                       <dump> <pass>
/dev/hda1             /media/windows/C     ntfs-3g
rw,locale=en_GB.utf8,uid=1000     0              0
It works fine, but, today I came across with something. I left WinXP
hibernating and checking in console WinXP partition is not mounted.

I tried to mount it manually
*#mount /media/windows/C*
but here is the result
*Failed to mount '/dev/hda1': Operation not permitted
The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume and shutdown Windows
properly, so mounting could be done safely.
*Why could not this be done safely?

Here some details,
Kernel   2.6.22-3-686
KDE      3.5
Laptop  Acer TravelMate 2300 Series


Oscar Blanco García
Ingeniero Electrónico - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Teléfono: Casa: +57 1 687 0019
Celular: +57 3133890451
Carrera 123B # 131-66 Bloque 55 Apartamento 402
Bogotá, Colombia

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