Stackpole, Chris wrote:
I love Rocks. They have done an amazing job with that Distro.
I won't call myself an expert or anything like that, but I /really/
enjoy the clustering world and have been involved with it for a few
years now (both for fun and work). I have worked with clusters across a
wide range of software and hardware as well as with most of the Distro's
you have listed and many more you didn't. I have not found anything like
Rocks; at least not with the cluster work I do/have done.
Most of the Debian based distros I have worked with are good and get the
job done, but none of them quite compare with Rocks in the same way.
It's an apples-to-oranges-but-at-least-they-are-both-fruit comparison at
best. I wish they had a Debian based port... *sigh*

Take my comments for what you may think they are worth. I absolutely
adore Debian for my home and my servers but I have absolutely nothing
but praise for the Rocks team when it comes to clustering.

Just MHO.

I'd tried the distros I mentioned and home brewed solutions based on Debian and CentOS, but nothing I've came across compares to the simplicity and management you get with Rocks. Given enough time, I'm sure someone could develop a Debian cluster solution that matches Rocks. Until then, I'll stick with Rocks.

Thanks again.

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