On 07/31/08 16:15, Frank McCormick wrote:
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 21:34:10 +0100
Bob Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 16:13:13 -0400, Frank McCormick
Hash: SHA1

I have just spent a couple of hours trying to install the card in
the subject line in my computer which is running Debian Sid.

After changing the BIOS to reflect the new card (PCI) I ended up at
a black screen after GDM ran. Killing GDM (and X) got to to a
command line where I changed xorg.conf to use the Debian Nvidia
driver (prior to trying to install the Nvidia driver). No good.
Blank screen again. So I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. No
good. At one point dpkg-reconfigure told me I didn't have
xserver-xorg installed!!  Has anyone else had problems with this
card? The only thing I didn't try was the VESA driver. Needless to
say I am back to Intel video for now.

    Well I just spent 2 hours trying again. The VESA driver gave me
the same results...blank screen after GDM loaded. The final law of the
xorg log file is:

startx FTW!!!!

(EE) AIGLX  Screen 0 is not DRI capable.

 What is DRI and why does a combination of a fairly recent Nvidia card
and a new LG LCD monitor not give me a DRI capable screen ?

Is CONFIG_DRM set in your kernel?

Is this:
    Disable        "dri"
or this:
    Load           "dri"
in your xorg.conf?

Is this:
    Option         "AIGLX"   "true"
in the "ServerLayout" section of your xorg.conf?

How recent is "fairly recent"?

<from Bob Cox)
Just in case you haven't seen this:


then it might be useful.

  I went there and got lost after the first 3 paragraphs. Gawd why does
this have to be so tough?

Maybe I shouldn't say this but my Ubuntu installation (Gutsy) had the
card up and running in 5 minutes

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Scientists are people, too.  IOW, they also "crave power, money,
respect, and influence, and they also fear for their jobs. Each
can be a healthy motivator, but each has the ability to turn a
good scientist into a bad one; and in some cases, they can turn
a good scientist into a charlatan."

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