Kent West wrote:
> I've found the installation instructions for installing KDE4 on my Sid
> box (, but I'm
> unclear if this supersedes my working KDE3 setup or not.
> Can I use these instructions to install 4, and if 4 causes me to much
> grief, be able to switch back to 3?
> Or, if 4 doesn't work for me, can I purge the 4 packages, remove the
> experimental stuff from my sources.list file, and reinstall 3 and be
> back to normal? (Will I have to move my ~/.kde? directory? (I'll make a
> backup of my version 3 .kde stuff first, just in case.))
> Thanks!
Hi Kent! I was tried some kde4 packages from experimental (konqueror,
kmail, kget, akregator). At least akregator from kde3 is working fine
now for me.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF

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