On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 04:46:36 -0300, Gabriel Parrondo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> Come on, the debian people made patching software a children game. These
> are the simple steps you should follow:
> As root:
> aptitude install build-essential fakeroot
> apt-get build-dep aptitude
> As normal user:
> apt-get source aptitude
> cd aptitude-(version)
> patch -p1 < thepatchhesent.patch
> dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
> cd ..
> As root:
> dpkg -i *.deb
> There, the patched aptitude is already installed and all you have to do
> is try to reproduce the bug. Luckily, you won't be able to.

Gabriel - thank you very much for your extremely useful reply.  It all
worked perfectly and having now successfully applied the patch, I can
confirm that I cannot reproduce the bug.

> If you want to know more about each command, the man pages are a good
> starting point.

Yes indeed, man pages are wonderful things.

Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
Registered user #445000 with the Linux Counter - http://counter.li.org/

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