also sprach Aniruddha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.08.12.1931 -0300]:
> If you don't mind I quote from your own book ^^
> > > checkinstall is limited in what it can do. To be precise, the
> > packages it creates can only install files, and checkinstall
> > does not care where it installs them. You  can overwrite files
> > in home directories with checkinstall, among other things.
> I wonder what you recommend as the best way to install 3rd party
> debs (such as cedega, nero, barry)? What is a safe way to install
> them without risk of b0rking my system) ? 

How would they break the system? What do you need to protect from?

> If it was up to me I'd install them as a local user in my home
> folder just as I do with source packages and other binaries. But
> afaik this isn't possible.

Not easily at least.

> Or are there things I should pay attention to when inspecting
> a deb file? Are there telltale signs a deb file can cause trouble?
> Thanks in advance.

Make sure to check the postinst/preinst/postrm/prerm hooks. Unpack
the binary with dpkg-deb and make sure ./DEBIAN/* files are alright.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"brevity is the soul of wit."
                                                -- polonius (hamlet)
"brevity is ... wit."
                                                     -- the simpsons

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