On 09/10/08 22:22, Celejar wrote:
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:41:01 -0500
Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The one place where I might disagree with the Declaration of Independence is where Rights come from, since I want to think that rights come from the barrel of a gun.

You do?
Or, maybe, that those unalienable Rights are pretty useless unless backed by force of arms. Examples: the Revolutionary War and integration of southern public schools.

This is certainly true,

I guess this is the debate between the practical and the theoretical. What's the point of having nice words on a piece of paper if you aren't willing to enforce it.

(If you ever wonder why so many conservatives in the US dislike the UN [besides the rampant corruption] and the EU, it's because they [the UN and the EU...] spew lots of pretty words, but don't have the testicles to enforce them.)

Given the state of race and police relations 40 years ago, the Black Panthers were right to pick up arms to defend themselves. If they had stayed on the straight and narrow path, they would have (eventually) gained respect from conservative elements of white society.

                        but bear in mind Stalin's alleged (some quick
googling doesn't turn up a source) rhetorical question "How many
divisions does the pope have?"

There was a time when he commanded a huge army...

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no
hook beneath it."  -- Thomas Jefferson

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