Mitchell Laks wrote:
On 14:38 Fri 03 Oct     , Celejar wrote:
On Fri, 3 Oct 2008 12:02:22 -0400

There are several apt proxies available:


[I use approx; various readers of this list have their own preferences.]

Set up one of them on A, configure B-D's sources file appropriately,
and your ssh procedure should work.

thank you. I am familiar with apt-cacher, but not with approx which I can try.
However, I think that does not solve my problem. For instance
what if the A computer is running etch and B-D are running sid?
How can I get B-D to get software that has not been installed on A?

This is not a problem with apt-proxy as to it's clients it looks like a full mirror, however it only actually downloads the packages you use, so the first time you download a package it comes in at whatever speed it would if you downloaded it directly, but the second time it comes in at LAN speed.

For testing I lust used ssh tunnels to access my proxy and it works fine.

Is there some smart way to set up a direct tunnel through A
and tell  apt-get to go through the tunnel itself, instead of using
these caching methods which better serve other purposes.
(For instance since B-D run sid, I can cache on one of them for the others.

Easer then that I have a pinhole in my firewall rules allowing access to port 9999 (the default apt-proxy port) but only to the IP of my apt-proxy from my 192.168.50.xx subnet to my 192.168.24.xx one, this allows wireless clients, my web server, and other less trusted clients to use the apt-proxy.

what software-backbone/port is apt-get using to get the software?

Are you familiar with setting up tunnels like



To quote a previous post on the subject:

It's pretty cool to be able to perform net installs in a few minutes and
updates are equally fast, after the first time.  The only downside is
it's a bit picky about it's internet connection, I know that sounds
weird but when I have it connected directly to the internet with no http
proxy it stalls and doesn't work properly, when I have it behind a squid
proxy it's happy as a sand boy.

A slightly nonstandard thing I've done is I've created a different
section for each release, so instead of having
deb etch main
deb etch/updates main
deb lenny main
deb lenny/updates main
in my apt sources files I have
deb etch main
deb etch/updates main
deb lenny main
deb lenny/updates main

This is because apt-proxy will only hold a certain number of versions of
any given package, although this number is configurable I found that
sometimes stable packages were being pushed out by those from sid and
testing, this way I've still got most of sarge in cache .

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