Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:
Thanks. I am having this problem on my home network server/gateway. So, I am trying to keep deviation from stable release to minimal. Since I have 86xx, I cannot use nvidia-glx from stable distribution. I will have to go to either lenny or get it from nvidia (latest/nonstandard) Which is less risky or more stable in your opinion? Going nvidia way or switching to lenny?

BTW, is this trouble known and am I raising it again? (I googled and could not find anything correlated to my situation)


Uh, "mildly known trouble", if that phrase makes sense. It is an issue that others have, but the advice is usually something like: "If you don't need 3D, go with Intel onboard graphics." I would personally go with lenny, but I don't know if that makes sense for you. Certainly, when lenny is stable, there is a good chance you will want to migrate/update/upgrade. On my personal home system, I use the NVIDIA blob, but then, on that computer, I don't care if something breaks. If you are trying to stay with free software, you will not want the blob.

I have an 8600GT on that machine, NVIDIA's blob works well. In fact, the latest version about which I know, 177.80, is a noticeably faster performer for me.

I have not had recent experience with the lenny nvidia-* drivers. You should get more advice from the other fine members of this list who have used them.

Good luck!

Mark Allums

Mark Allums wrote:
Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:
I am having issues with my new video card MSI 8600GT. Xorg fires up properly and everything is fine as long as I am within X. The moment I try to switch one of the VCs (c-a-f1/2 etc) or exit X, all I get is blank screen and no response from KB/mouse etc. Soon the monitor goes into power save. The only way to fix is reboot. Occasionally, I will see blank screen with X running having very similar syptoms.

I have noticed that Xorg runs with almost 100% cpu utilization whenever blank screen event happens. Also, with my prior card I did not have this problem (prior card was EVGA nvidia 7600GS)

I run stock etch kenel from amd64 distribution latest xorg with nv driver. Here is exact info

uname -a: Linux lata 2.6.18-4-amd64 #1 SMP Fri May 4 00:37:33 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Package: xserver-xorg-video-nv : Version: 1:2.0.3-1
Package: xorg: Version: 1:7.1.0-19

You probably need to think about a different driver. The nvidia-* packages might be a place to start.

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