On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 10:02:26AM +0000, Anton Piatek wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> My sound has stopped working in a recent update to Lenny - I think the
> problem is related to the loading of the snd-pcsp module taking the
> wrong index as sound tries to play across that device instead of my
> soundcard
> running alsaconf reloads the modules correctly and sound then works,
> however it does not set up /etc/modprobe.d/ correctly to not load the
> snd-pcsp driver (or change its index).
> After alsaconf the snd-pcsp module is not loaded, so I want to achieve
> the same thing at bootup.
> I tried adding it to the blacklist but that didn't work
> /etc/modprobe.d$ grep snd-pcsp *
> alsa-base:install snd-pcsp /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-pcsp
> $CMDLINE_OPTS && /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcsp
> alsa-base:# Keep snd-pcsp from beeing loaded as first soundcard
> alsa-base:options snd-pcsp index=-2
> alsa-base-blacklist:blacklist snd-pcsp
> blacklist:blacklist snd-pcsp
> Can anyone help me figure out what to put to either make the pcsp
> module take a different index (or even check the indexes as I don't
> know how to check what they actually have at bootup) or help me

I think if you try aplay -l or aplay -L it will show you the list

> succeed in blocking it's loading completely
> Thanks,
> Anton
> - --
> Anton Piatek
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