On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 14:17:25 -0500, MLewis wrote:
> Jochen Schulz wrote:


>> First, make sure you have either the linux-headers-* package for your
>> kernel (if you use a precompiled kernel from Debian) or the source tree
>> which you used to compile your own kernel. Then:
>> $ sudo aptitude install module-assistant
>> $ sudo m-a a-i nvidia-kernel-source
> All seems fine up to this point. However when I run 'dpkg-reconfigure
> xserver-xorg, I am not given the choice of any options at all regarding
> video.

That is how things are these days, with the latest Xorg being able to
detect everything automatically, in theory at least. (Only a very
minimal xorg.conf is written by "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it
does not specify the video driver at all.)

I would first make sure that your nvidia kernel module can be loaded:

modprobe -v nvidia
lsmod | grep nvidia

If that is OK, (re)start X and run

grep /drivers/ /var/log/Xorg.0.log

to find out which driver is used. If you see the Xorg nvidia module is
loaded, check "glxinfo | grep direct" and "glxgears" (package
mesa-utils) to see if direct rendering is working.

If your Xorg keeps using the "nv" driver even though nvidia is
available, put

Driver    "nvidia"

into the (otherwise pretty empty) "Device" section of your
/etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X.

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          Florian   |

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