> As for measuring speed, it was dramatic.  From the bash prompt, hit
> enter to get a new prompt thus

> $ <enter>
> $

> On Debian with UTF enabled (and the box otherwise idle), it would take
> more than one second, without the UTF stuff installed it was about half
> a second.  OpenBSD was as instantaneous as any other faster box.

Interesting.  The slowest box I have here is a home router with 32MB of
RAM and a 200MHz MIPS processor, and when I chroot into its Debian
stable install, bash responds instantaneously.  I use LANG="" on it
because for no other reason than that's how it happened (the install was
done with cdebootstrap IIRC), but I just tried using fr_CH.utf-8 and it
made no noticeable difference.

BTW, what do you mean by "disable UTF"?
Other than setting LANG=C what else have you done to tune the system?


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