On 11/16/08 04:36, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
On Sunday 16 November 2008 04:20, Ron Johnson wrote:
The ability to set the Reply-to Address serves no
purpose to someone subscribed to mailing lists, and wants to easily
reply to the list.

I find the easiest, mostly client-independent way to do that is to Reply-To-All and then remove the email addresses I don't want to send to. (Also works with impromptu mailing lists.)

What as pain in the arse...

However, the Debian lists use the established, standard List-* headers. If you client doesn't support them, please complain to the maintainer of your client.

Of course.  Which is why $SOMEONE wrote the Tbird replytolist plugin...

(That may imply filing a Debian bug, but not against the mailing lists [infrastructure].)

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

If you don't agree with me, you are worse than Hitler!!!

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