On a Debian-based system running KDE 3.5.10 I see several files that
are used when logging in / starting a Konsole:


I imagine three times these files might be used:
1) When logging in
2) When starting Konsole
3) When running a shell script via Konqeror

In which of the files should I put commands that I want to run at each
of these events? For instance, if I want a certain command to be run
when I log in, should that be in .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, or
elsewhere? If I want a command to be run when I open Konsole, where
would that go? How about a command that I want run before every script
that I run from my file manager (an example of such a use would be a
local export)?

Thanks in advance. If there are any good docs that explain this, I'd
love to see them. I have not been able to google anything recent that
is relevant to Debian.

Dotan Cohen



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