Girish Kulkarni:
> I want to "set Java up" on my Debian Etch i686 machine and the jargon
> is getting in my way.  I though Java is a Java Virtual Machine + some
> APIs.  Then ...

First of all, Java is a language (specification). :)

> 1. What is the Java Runtime Environment?

It's all you need to run Java programs. Above all it's the JVM and the
standard library.

> And the Java Development Kit?

JRE + development tools (compiler, javadoc, etc).

> 2. What is my compiler?  My Virtual Machine?

No. A java compiler is almost like any other compiler. It's target
architecture is just the JVM and not some physically existing hardware.
The JVM itself runs the compiler output ("bytecode") and (optionally)
compiles it into native code for the hardware the JVM runs on at
runtime. But that's just done for performance reasons and only for "hot
spots" of the code.

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