On Tuesday 2009 January 13 13:13:43 Chris wrote:
>On Tuesday 13 January 2009, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>> > When I push the power button it does end up showing the KDE log-off
>> > dialog with the normal options though - maybe something changed in KDE.
>> In case you are using kpowersave, you can change this behaviour quite
>> easily: right click on the kpowersave systray icon, choose "Configure
>> KPowersave", on the "General Settings" tab under "Button Events",
>> configure it to your liking.
>> HTH,
>> Michael
>sounded promising, but strangeley didn't help.

You may be running into a variant of a problem I had.  I sometimes want to 
step away from the laptop for a moment and close the lid without it going 
into suspend.  No matter how I had configured kpowersave, the laptop kept 

Turns out, powerdevil from KDE 4 was putting the system into suspend.  
Changing the "When Laptop Lid Closed" behavior in powerdevil to "Lock Screen" 
solved my problem.

You should be able to configure powerdevil through "Configure Desktop 
(Personal Settings/KDE4)"[1], Advanced Tab, "Power Management".  The setting 
you want is probably under "Edit Profiles", (pick each profile in 
turn), "When Power Button pressed".
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
b...@iguanasuicide.net                     ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.net/                      \_/     

[1] /usr/bin/systemsettings from the command-line

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