I typically do a backup via rsync of my home directory to a backup
directory on another machine. That backup directory is mounted as an
NFS mount on my machine. I run the backup through cron as a job executed
through /etc/cron.daily. Normally, all goes well, and I get a daily
email detailing what was backed up, etc.

Yesterday, I upgraded mount and nfs-* (nfs-common, nfs-kernel-server) on
the client. Today, my backup failed on most of the files it tried with
permissions issues ("permission denied (13)").

I upgraded the server to the most recent mount and nfs-* in unstable.
mount is now and nfs-* are 1.1.4-1. No changes to /etc/exports
on the server, no changes to /etc/fstab on the client. Both client and
server have the same versions of these packages.

I umounted the directories on the client, umounted them on the server,
brought nfs-* down, back up, remounted the directories on the server and
then on the client. No problems with mounts.

To test this permissions issue, I decided to narrow the parameters: copy
one file from my home directory to the backup directory. This file
didn't exist on the backup directory. I tried copying the file both as
root and as myself (paulf). Same permissions problem in both cases.

Here is the transcript (as root):

sherman:/home/paulf# cp .0verkill /lan/backup/backup/sherman/home/paulf/
cp: cannot create regular file
`/lan/backup/backup/sherman/home/paulf/.0verkill': Permission denied

Here is the file:

-rw-r--r-- 1 paulf paulf 17 2007-11-06 23:38 .0verkill

Here are the permissions on the directory being copied to:

sherman:/home/paulf# ls -l /lan/backup/backup/sherman/home
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 135 paulf paulf 8192 2009-01-13 10:14 paulf

Here is the relevant content in the client's /etc/fstab:

pokey:/lan /lan/backup nfs soft,intr,timeo=12,wsize=8192,rsize=8192
0 0

Here is the relevant content in the server's /etc/exports:

/lan sherman(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

So, effectively, root *is* being squashed, and even as the owner of the
file I (paulf) can't do the copy.

Any help would be appreciated.


Paul M. Foster

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