* Marcelo Chiapparini <marcelo.chia...@gmail.com> 27.01.2009

> I am upgrading my notebook. The old one runs etch like a charm. I want  
> to run etch in the new notebook too, and to have installed in it exactly  
> the same packages than in the old one. So,
> 1) does exist a file with the information of all the packages installed  
> in the old system?
> 2) is it possible to use this information in the fresh installation on  
> the new system?
Hello Marcelo,

it's easy. From the manpage of "dpkg"

To make a local copy of the package selection states:
            dpkg --get-selections >myselections

You might transfer this file to another computer, and install it there with:
            dpkg --clear-selections
            dpkg --set-selections <myselections

Hth Michael

Life is a state of consciousness.
                        -Emmett Fox

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