On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:23:04PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 01/28/2009 07:52 PM, Glenn Becker wrote:
>> Hi all -
>> I should probably admit that I haven't been booting my Debian install  
>> lately, and it has mainly been due to irritation with Iceweasel and not 
>> doing anything constructive about it b/c it worked fine over on another 
>> Linux system I have (no names ...).
>> I am running testing and have been for some time. I don't recall when  
>> Flash stopped working, but this has been the case for some time. At  
>> first, I searched in Aptitude for anything related to Flash, just to  
>> make sure I had everything available installed. No help.
>> I just read over a few threads in the -user list, & on the strength of  
>> what I found I tried simply following the "install the latest version"  
>> link from a Flash-intensive site ... chose the (Ubuntu) .deb and  
>> installed it. Restarted Iceweasel, enabled the new Flash player v. 10 
>> in the plugins dialogue and disabled the older ones. Restarted 
>> Iceweasel.
> You mean install_flash_player_10_linux.deb?  I got that, installed it 
> with "dpkg -i", and now have (squeezing out spaces):
> $ dpkg -l | grep flash
> ii  adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin  
> version 10
> Flash works perfectly.
> http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson/Iceweasel-Add-ons.png
>> No Flash. Still got the lovely
> Dumb question: did you restart Iceweasel?
>> "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of  
>> Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."
>> Javascript is on. I did a dpkg-reconfigure on adobe-flashplugin.  
>> Restarted Iceweasel, checked plugins ... and v. 10 of the Flash player  
>> had disappeared and I was still getting the same message when I tried 
>> to play anything on Youtube.
>> I'm 98% certain I am doing something stupid here, but would appreciate  
>> it if someone could point me in the direction of ... something that 
>> will tell me how to diagnose the problem and make it all better. Cuz 
>> I'm close to throwing the laptop (or just my Debian installation) 
>> against the wall.
> -- 
Clear anything else you've downloaded. Use the adobe-flashplugin in Sid 
non-free - which will go to the Adobe website, download the correct 
thing and install it.

It's one .deb from Sid, so you won't necessarily hose your whole system.



> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA  USA
> "I am not surprised, for we live long and are celebrated poopers."
> -- 
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