Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 01/31/2009 03:27 PM, Nuno MagalhĂŁes wrote:
>>> Try to run `free' to get a more detailed break up (or even "cat
>>> /proc/meminfo").
>> Running free -g on my system returns 3. I have 4.
>> Running cat /proc/meminfo returns 4030668KB, which is 3.84GB according
> That's 4030668*1024 = 4,127,404,032.
>> to onlineconversion, closer. Does RAM also have a sort of FAT?
> 4GB = 4,294,967,296.
> So, where's the missing 167,563,264 bytes?  (I.e. 40,909 4KB pages.)
>> It seems as though free won't return the accurate size.
> Of course it does.  "We", though, aren't kernel hackers or h/w
> gurus, so are left in the dark.
> --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA  USA

Could it be that 32-bit Debian can't access rest of memory?

Mirko Scurk

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