I am currently spending quite some time at work travelling back and
forth between Denmark and Sweden.

I have a laptop that I bring with me and a screen and keyboard at the
office in Sweden that I can hook up to.

Now the fun part is that the laptop has an american keyboard layout
while the external keyboard is swedish, and I would like a more
convenient way of controlling the situation than reconfiguring the X
server whenever I switch :-)

First of all, is there anybody who knows of a way to sample
programmtically whether there is an external ketboard hooked up to the

Secondly, is there any other way to switch keyboard layout on the fly
under X11 (just like I can with `loadkeys' on the console) other than
generating a set of command files for xmodmap?

Christian Lynbech       | email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

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