Mitchell Laks wrote:
> On 18:25 Fri 06 Feb     , Abdelkader Belahcene wrote:
>> HI,
>> There are many and many programming languages (mainly : C,C++,java,
>> Shell, Perl, python, php). which learn and use, in which circonstances
>> use that language instead of the other.
>> In many situations we can use anyone, but which is better.
> <Dons flame retardant hat>
> Common Lisp!

The only language with an oxymoron for a name ;-)  Any serious person
would of course start with Haskell!


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)             Jabber:

Haskell is an even 'redder' pill than Lisp or Scheme.
     -- PaulPotts

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