On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Michael Pobega <pob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:09:33AM -0500, Jason Voorhees wrote:
>> Hi people:
>> I got a business with one of my customers to install him a
>> Firewall+Proxy+VPN running Debian this Saturdary 14th. I was thinking
>> about installing Debian Etch because I din't know that Lenny was so
>> close to come.
>> Now I think I would like to install Debian Lenny but maybe at the time
>> I will do the installation (at 14:00 GMT) maybe Debian isn't released
>> yet or I won't have enough time to download the ISO image.
>> If I install Debian Testing at Saturday and then I upgrade to Stable
>> at Sunday... will I get any kind of problem? would you suggest to
>> install debian testing and then upgrade to stable some hours (or days)
>> ago?
> If you install Lenny on Saturday and Lenny doesn't become stable by
> Sunday, and you still do the upgrade, you may have some problems. As
> stated in another e-mail your best bet is to just specify "lenny" in
> your /etc/apt/sources.list, so that you'll track is by release name
> instead of type (stable, testing, unstable).
> The only time you use the release type is for a rolling release system
> (testing for home computers, for example).

Thanks again, bye!

>> Thanks
> --
>                  http://pobega.wordpress.com
>                    http://identica/pobega
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