James Steward<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry Bob - that didn't quite work.  I did something like the following;
> mkdir /usr/lib/libkde3
> cp /root/kdelib3/usr/lib/* /usr/lib/libkde3/
> vi /etc/ld.so.conf
> { add the path /usr/lib/libkde3 }
> ldconfig

Ooo.  I would not make that change a global change.  Instead I would
make it a private change just for the application.

File myvericad:
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/libkde3
  exec vericad "$@"

Now in that case when you run vericad it gets the old libraries but
this does not affect anything else.  Actually I would call it by the
same name and put it in /usr/local/bin which is ahead of /usr/bin in
PATH and have it do the rest.  That way it behaves the same.

File /usr/local/bin/vericad:
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/libkde3
  exec /usr/bin/vericad "$@"

> start varicad - runs ok - no SEGV - cool.
> start konqueror - SEGV
> remove the lib path from ld.so.conf and ldconfig, konqueror runs ok now.

This proposal above should solve this problem.

Caveat: Since LD_LIBRARY_PATH is in the environment it will persist
into subshells launched by vericad.  If you shell out of vericad into
a subshell and then launch konqueror you will get the old libs which
cause konqueror to core dump.  So don't do that.  :-)  I don't even
know if you can do that with vericad but just in case.


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